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Monday, January 27, 2020

What Are The Effects Of Child Labour Young People Essay

What Are The Effects Of Child Labour Young People Essay Child labour is the working of children of ages under 18 years old for number of hours that contrast their body growth and affects their health badly. This research is studying the affects of child labour on development of countries and trying to prove that the child labour is cause of delaying of some countries due to its effects on education. To prove that an interviews with labour childrens and their families have been made. More over a lot of statistics have been gathered by me of child labour in several countries from uniceff and international labour organization in addition to world health organization .the results which have been indicated is that most of the child labour found around the world is in the developing countries because children leave schools to work so in the future they become untrained adult can work. i-Introduction Child labour is the working of young children under the age of 18 years old for large number of hours and in unsuitable jobs .It was noted that The Child labour it is the work of children in un suitable ages for unsuitable work hours or under unhealthy conditions and under certain circumstances that contrast with their body growth and their education and also their ability for creations (February 2, 1992, The Child Labour Situation) . also it was conducted that child labour is breaking of human rights which obstacle there psychological life and their physical activities (international labour organization ). Further more the child labour is mainly found in the developing countries and in Africa and Asia . some statistics The high percentage of child labor occurs mainly in mali with percentage of 54.5 Burkina Fasowith 51 percent, Niger and Uganda with 45 percent and Kenya with 4L3 percent, the report said.Bangladesh had 30.1 percent, Nigeria 25.8 Haiti 25, Turkey 24, Ivory Coast 20.5, Pakistan 17.7 percent, Brazil 16.1 , India 14.4. China U.6, and Egypt 11.2 percent. (INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMANITIES AND PEACE. 1997). After all of that the aim of my study is to show the bad effects of child labour .moreover if the child labour has effects on developing countries in delay in development. ii-Literature review a-The meaning of child labour It was noted that The Child labour is the work of children at unsuitable ages for unsuitable work hours or under unhealthy conditions and under certain circumstances that contrast with their body growth and their education .also their ability for creations (February 2, 1992, The Child Labour Situation) . moreover it was conducted that child labour is the breaking of human rights which obstacle there psychological life and their physical activities (international labour organization ).in addition to that there is a positive meaning of child labour i.e. the children can work with their parents in home ,help in family work or get their pocket money from working in the weekends and in the summer vacations (international labour organization ). b-Causes of child labour : there are many causes of child labour the main cause for it is poverty of the families . The international labour organization noted that the poverty of the families is the main cause of child labour because the children have tow work to get money which help in keeping their life and the life of their families . in addition to that the families are not capable to pays funds of the schools . also the children who are living in slums and villages which dont have any educational facilities so they work .more over the work market are demanding more children to worm because they take low salaries and they are less trouble maker than adults for the employer . furthermore it was noted that The children works due to the poverty of their families so they need income to overcome the challenges of the life as a result they need to send their children to the work to get them money. In the other hand they cant send them to the working fields that give high wages as exportation because of restrict ing laws so they must send them to works of low wages as agriculture or servings fields. They have to work more hours to increase their income even if some of their brothers or sisters in school their parents get them out and send them to work field( number cruncher Putting children to work,By Stephen Nickell,september 2009  · prospect  · 15). In the other hand not all the causes are economic causes some of the are from family where children work with their families in farms , shops and different hand made industries said international labour organization . c-The causes of expansion of child labour The child labour spreads due to the increase in the number of the part time job with low wages and due to the simplicity of this jobs the child labour market increases . cited in (INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMANITIES AND PEACE, 1997,GLOBAL CHILD LABOUR , Robert Evans, Reuters) . Also the large percent of divorce increases the child labour because children have to work to provides their life needs . d-Bad effects of child labour on children 1-Effects of child labour on children health The world health organization noted that the working of children in some fields are very dangerous to childrens health such as agriculture . The working of the children in the fields are very harmful because they maybe exposed to insecticides .More over they use very dangerous tools such as knives and machines . Further more they are to snakes bites , bilharithia and carrying heavy loads . The children working dont have information about how to use these machines or these tools so they can easily get hurt . Also girls are more exposed to injuries and health affections where they work at younger ages and for more hours as they work outside home and they have to work in homes too so they work for more hours . INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMANITIES AND PEACE noted that the number of boys in the age between 10-14 is 41 million which is more than the number of girls who worked but the survey said that the girls were left at home for taking care of home and cooking and those of them who work then return and make house work so they are considered to be working more boys 2-Effects of child labour on children future and education It was noted that lately the child labour has been paid more attention specially in developing countries in which most of child labour occurs specially in countryside . further more they have noticed that child labour has many bad effects on children like reducing attendance in school . The result of child labour is that it reduces the presence in school by 46 percent and 21 percent in learning and understanding the Sciences and increasing the ability of children twice to work and moreover it affects the child health later cited in Case study integrated that In an investigation in Ghana they have discovered that due to child labour the attendance in school decreases and there is a direct proportion between child labour and the attendance in school also the ability of children to read decreases as the hours of work increases therefore there is negative proportion between child labour and education(Why Should We Care About Child Labour ?The Education, Labor Market, and Health,Consequences of Child Labor,Kathleen Beegle,Rajeev Dehejia,Roberta Gatti) The child who works today will be tomorrow un responsible adult who is un educated and not trained said ILO Director-General Michel e-Statistics of child labour in different countries International organization labour noted that 73milion children around the world from the age of 14 to 13 works two thirds of the 73 million were in Asia and 24 million were in Africa The child labour also occurs in the developed countries as united states and Britain as well as countries in south Europe It was indicated that The high percentage of child labour occurs mainly in mali with percentage of 54.5 Burkina Faso with 51 percent, Niger and Uganda with 45 percent and Kenya with 4L3 percent, the report said. Bangladesh had 30.1 percent, Nigeria 25.8, Haiti 25, Turkey 24, Ivory Coast 20.5, Pakistan 17.7 percent, Brazil 16.1 , India 14.4. China U.6, and Egypt 11.2 percent. Asia had the greatest number in the age group, with 44. 6 million or 13 percent of the total, hut Africa had the highest proportion with 26.3 percent or 23.6 million children working. Latin America lagged well behind, with 5.1 million or 9.8 percent of the group. Cited in (INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMANITIES AND PEACE. 1997,GLOBAL CHILD LABOuR,Robert Evans, Reuters)   Ã‚  One in six children in developing countries are engaged in child labour    Children aged 5-14 engaged in child labour (%), by region (1999-2008) Boys are more likely to engage in child labour Children aged 5-14 engaged in child labour (%), by gender (1999-2008)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Child labour is most prevalent in Africa    Percentage of children aged 5-14 years engaged in child labour (2003-2008) Graphs and statistics are cited in child info with sponsored by uniceff iii-Methodology An example of the child labour I choose Ahmed who is 14 years old working at a small shop ironing and dry cleaning, in the midst of hard work already. After making interview with Ahmed i know that his family consist of 5 brothers and sisters he is the middle one. his father make him work to help him overcoming the life needs . Ahmed said that i wake every day at 7:00 oclock and ran to the shop to help my boss in ironing the customers clothes and when it is after noon i went to the customers delivering to the clothes and getting others to start ironing them and give back to the customer at night . more over i make an interview with the cause his father and with owner of the shop who permits this work . by interviewing Mr Kmal who Told me that Ahmed who works for 12 hours a day in this small age is that he now can turn on dry cleaning machine at his own without the help of know one . moreover he can iron alot of clothing in short time . by asking Ahmeds father he said that i think tha t the working of children is more greater benefit than education and Ahmed can get his own pocket money without education. more over he said that even his older brother who has been educated till thanwya ama did not working while Ahmed did. further more after getting statistics from uniceff and international labour organization I realized that that there were some 2.7 million working children aged between six and fourteen (noted in international labour organization) . i use all of this interviews and statistics to prove that the child labour is 1 of the cause of not developing our countries . iv-Reference page Goodyear, Rosemary .(2006) overworked children? , New Zealand Journal of History ,Vol. 40 Issue 1, p75-90, 16p, 1http://web.ebscohost.com/ehost/detail?vid=4hid=12sid=57000ce9-d687-48e9-84ca-10dc8fe7db23%40sessionmgr11bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ%3d%3d#db=hlhAN=21083652 Nickell, Stephen.(sep2009) Putting  children  to  work, Economist and the Warden of Nuffield College, Oxford ,  Issue 162, p15-15, 1/3p http://web.ebscohost.com/ehost/detail?vid=6hid=119sid=57000ce9-d687-48e9-84ca-10dc8fe7db23%40sessionmgr11bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ%3d%3d#db=hlhAN=44959548 Evans, Robert.( 1997), International Journal of Humanities Peace , GLOBAL  CHILD  LABOR ,Vol. 13 Issue 1, p86-86, 1p http://web.ebscohost.com/ehost/detail?vid=9hid=9sid=57000ce9-d687-48e9-84ca-10dc8fe7db23%40sessionmgr11bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ%3d%3d#db=hlhAN=18773100 International labour organization About child labour http://www.ilo.org/ipec/facts/langen/ http://www.ilo.org/global/What_we_do/InternationalLabourStandards/Subjects/Childlabour/langen/index.htm Child Labour and IPEC: An overview,international labour organization http://www.ilo.org/public/english/region/asro/manila/ipec/about/overview.hth World health organization,hazardous child labour http://www.who.int/occupational_health/topics/childlabour/en/ http://www.childinfo.org/labour.html

Saturday, January 18, 2020

How much sympathy does the reader feel

Curlers wife is a character in the novel â€Å"Of mice and men† set in California and written in 1937 by John Steinbeck. She is the only woman on a ranch of itinerant working men, and because of this she gets treated by each man in a different manner. Most of the men treat her in a negative way, therefore causing different degrees of sympathy from the reader. Sympathy implies that the reader feels an emotional connection towards the character. Her unhappy marriage to the boss's son causes her great loneliness and unhappiness as she tries, in vain, to find someone to talk to on the ranch.The reader may feel certain degrees of sympathy for Curleys wife due to the fact that the ranch workers are always talking behind her back. This is shown when Candy is talking about her to George and Lennie in the bunkhouse when they arrive. He states that he thinks â€Å"Curleys married†¦ a tart†. This quotation could cause very strong feelings against Curlers wife, as she seems to have a reputation amongst the men for being flirtatious. The noun â€Å"tart† might infer that Curleys wife is a promiscuous character who flirts with all of the ranch workers.It could also imply that she is lways tarted up' and making an effort to look attractive in front of the men. Candy's opinion seems harsh, which could portray the ranch worker's extremely negative feelings towards Curlers wife, as they assume she is a flirtatious attention seeker. However, the reader may feel sympathetic towards Curlers wife because she is labelled as a â€Å"tart† and so the ranch workers don't look past her appearance to get to know her personality.In this quotation, Candy pauses before completing the phrase, which could suggest that he is apprehensive towards voicing his opinion about Curleys wife. This would be understandable, as most of the ranch workers seem intimidated by Curley and insulting his wife may result in a fght or losing their Job. Some might think that this qu otation reveals that Curlers wife is incredibly lonely, as the ranch workers are prejudiced against her from the minute they get to the ranch, so this implies that it must be hard for her to make friends.She is the only woman on the ranch and seems to have trouble fitting in. She may be seen as very glamorous and sne could like to get dressed up tor tun, as it would make ner teel like a movie star, which is her dream. Overall, I think this quotation causes a high level of sympathy from the reader towards Curleys wife, because the ranch workers Judge her and don't try to get to know her personality. The Judgement as to whether Curlers wife is malicious or kind lies with the reader's perception of her character's description and actions in the novella.When Curlers wife first appears in the novel in the bunkhouse scene, the reader is presented with an in-depth description of her appearance with multiple references to the colour red. This is expressed through quotations like â€Å"she had full rouged lips† and â€Å"her fingernails were painted red†. These declarative phrases could imply that she is an evil temptress who is not to be trusted and attracts lots of attention, which could be either wanted or unwanted on her part. Contrary to this, the colour â€Å"red† is a passionate, loving colour which could present her as a kind, affectionate character.The adjective â€Å"red† is however sometimes associated with the devil and malice, which links to the bible, as evil was introduced into the world when Eve was tempted by the snake, so by dressing in red Curleys wife could be presenting herself as a temptation to the male ranch workers throughout the novella. Also, Curleys wife has some aspects of her personality that imply softness, for example â€Å"little bouquets of red ostrich feathers†. These â€Å"feathers† are a significant part of Curleys wife's appearance, because the reader knows of Lennie's fascination and admir ation of soft objects.This feature of her appearance could portray a more attractive personality because the â€Å"ostrich feathers† create a gentle, toned-down persona for her character, which may cause a higher level of sympathy from the reader because the ranch workers treat her as if she is repulsive and manipulative, which could be a prejudice based on her appearance. Towards the end of her initial introduction, Curleys wife addresses George â€Å"playfully, with could portray her as an intentionally promiscuous character. She is known around the ranch for teasing the male ranch workers and being apparently disloyal to Curley.The adjective â€Å"playfully' could cause the reader to feel unsympathetic towards Curleys wife, because she may give the men false hope by flirting and acting in a promiscuous way when she is around them. On the other hand, Curleys wife flirting could be interpreted as unintentional, harmless conversations and friendships between her and the ran chworkers. This would be understandable ecause as she mentions later in the novella in Crooks' room, she gets â€Å"awful lonely on the ranch. Curleys wife is seen by everyone on the ranch as a sexual object, due to her makeup and clothes.Whenever she tries to interact with any of the workers, they assume she is flirting and spread rumours about her, however she may Just be a lonely woman on a ranch full of men. Curley regards her as an item that he possesses ownership over, and so he is always looking for her to make sure she isn't with any of the other men. This shows that Curley doesn't trust his wife, and so their relationship and marriage isn't a happy one. In chapter tour, the ranch workers go out to a brothel in the local town, leaving Lennie, Crooks, Candy and Curlers wife at the ranch.In Crooks' room, where the men are talking, Curleys wife comes in and states that â€Å"They left all the weak ones here†, which shows the hierarchy of the ranch and highlights the fac t that nobody wants to be with the â€Å"weak ones† at the bottom of the hierarchy. The reader may feel highly unsympathetic towards Curlers wife because she says cruel, cutting things when she can. She says that â€Å"they left all the weak ones here†, but it isn't clear whether she is including herself in that group or not. If she meant to include herself, the reader may feel sympathetic towards her because she feels that she is a weak person at the bottom of the hierarchy.This reflects the way she is treated by the male population on the ranch because she is constantly put down and distrusted when she Just wants to make friends. On the other hand, if she was leaving herself out of â€Å"the weak ones† group, this may cause the reader to feel unsympathetic towards her because she is offending Candy, Crooks and Lennie, when they haven't purposely done anything to offend or anger her. This quotation could also cause the reader to feel unsympathetic owards Curley s wife because she has two different personalities.When she is around Curley and other people who are higher in the hierarchy, she lets them disrespect her and treat her in a negative manner, however when she is around people who are lower in the hierarchy than her, she brings out a side to her that is evil and cutting, and so would make the reader feel unsympathetic towards her. However, this may make the reader feel sympathetic towards her because she never gets the chance to look down on anyone, she is always treated like she is the lowest of the low, therefore she makes the most of being higher while she can.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Accounting Terminology Essay

Each of the following statements may (or may not) describe one of these technical terms. For each statement, indicate the accounting term described, or answer â€Å"None† if the statement does not correctly describe any of the terms. a. The level of sales at which revenue exactly equals costs and expenses. Break-even point. b. Costs remain unchanged despite changes in sales volume. Fixed Costs. c. The span over which output is likely to vary and assumptions about cost behavior generally remain valid. Relevant Range. d. Sales revenue less variable costs and expenses. Contribution margin. e. Unit sales price minus variable cost per unit. Unit contribution margin. f. The reduction in unit cost achieved from a higher level of output. Economics of scale. g. Costs the respond to changes in sales volume by less than a proportionate amount. Semi variable costs. h. Operating income less variable costs. â€Å"None†. Exercise 20.7 – Using Cost-Volume-Profit Formulas Exercise 21.2 – Home Depot’s Financial Statements: Incremental, Sunk, and Opportunity Costs Read the footnote in Appendix A referring to Home Depot’s decision to close all of its remaining big box stores in China. Write a short paragraph identifying the incremental, sunk and opportunity costs associated with this decision. Assume that any cost savings will be invested elsewhere in more productive stores. Incremental costs relate to the difference in costs between alternative courses of action and incremental revenues. The incremental costs that would be that would occur from either remodeling or closing Home Depot an existing location would include cost of materials, overhead from the actual physical remodel, labor that includes employee pay for rearranging and moving merchandise during a remodel if it occurred, designing and planning costs. Opportunity costs are important factors when it comes to decision making because they define the costs of taking some action in terms of the value foregone or that’s given up due to a particular action taken place. Opportunity costs of remolding would include profits on lost sales if the store is closed during remodeling, loss of current sales due to decrease in customer traffic (due to excessive noise, smell, dirt and inconveniences. Stores could potentially lose profit if they are not able to stock the full line of products or keep items stocked during a remodel. Whereas a sunk cost is an outlay that has been irrevocably incurred at some time in the past; sunk costs cannot be changed no matter what course of action is taken and are irrelevant for purposes of decision making involving the future. Sunk costs related to either remodeling of the store that would need to be taken into consideration include original costs of the current store (decorations, paint, shelves, displays, carpet) and designs that will need to be replaced or removed during either remodeling or closing. Exercise 21.6 – Incremental Analysis: Make or Buy Decision The cost to Swank Company of manufacturing 15,000 units of a particular part is $135,000, of which $60,000 is fixed and $75,000 is variable. The company can buy the part from an outside supplier for $6 per unit. Fixed costs will remain the  same regardless of Swank’s decision. Should the company buy the part or continue to manufacture it? Prepare a comparative schedule in the format illustrated in Exhibit 21-6. It would be more beneficial for the company to manufacture the part rather than buy it from an outside provider. Brief Exercise 22.9 – Flows of Costs through Manufacturing Accounts The President of Cold Moo Ice Cream Company, a chain of ice cream stores in the Midwest, was unhappy with the actual six-month profit figures for the  company recently prepared by the CFO. The president asked the CFO for a profit breakdown, by store, of the actual six-month results. When the President received the report, he was extremely upset and called the CFO, into his office. The President stated, â€Å"These reports show that each store in the chain is profitable, but our company results are unprofitable! How can this be?† The CFO pointed out that each store was allowed to set prices for ice cream based on its cost structure. However, the stores’ cost structures did not include headquarters costs of the costs of advertising and delivery of products. What are the three characteristics for operating a successful responsibility accounting system? Consider whether the accounting system at Cold Moo Ice Cream Company includes the three characteristics of a successful responsibility accounting system. How could the responsibility accounting system at Cold Moo be improved? As the Textbook states, â€Å"measuring performance along the lines of management responsibility is an important function. A responsibility accounting system holds individual managers accountable for the performance of the business centers under their control and provides top management with information useful in identifying strengths and weaknesses among units throughout the organization.† The three characteristics of a successful operating accounting system will include budgets, will measure the performance, and contain timely performance reports. â€Å"Budgets serve as performance targets for each subunit in an organization. The accounting system will measure the performance of each responsibility center, and timely performance reports are prepared that compare the actual performance of each center with the amounts budgeted.† When reports are preformed frequently, it allows center managers to be able to keep their performances on target, and helps with the evaluation of the managers. It does not appear hat Cold Moo Ice Cream is following the timely reports method of the accounting system, which is essential to ensuring the financial information is accurate as possible, and to improve this aspect should be more intertwined with the actual budget and more accurately present how the performance of the store is measured. To do so the responsibility income statement should also be presented, this  contains not only the operating results of a particular part of a business but also the revenue and expenses of each profit center within that part, which could be extremely important to see how those centers within the same area measure and stack up against one another. For the responsibility income statement to be informative and useful it should essentially and efficiently be able to detail Variable Costs, Contribution Margin, Fixed Costs, Traceable Fixed Costs and Common Fixed Costs. In addition, fixed costs that are common to both product lines amount to $125,000.00. Instructions a. Prepare Chocolatiers’ responsibility income statement for the current month. Report the responsibility margin for each product line and income from operations for the company as a whole. Also include columns showing all dollar amounts as percentages of sales. b. According to the analysis performed in part a, which product line is more profitable? Should the common fixed costs be considered when determining the profitability of individual product lines? Why or why not? According the analysis in part a, the solid product line is more profitable. When determining profitability of any product line, common fixed costs should not be considered. Only the costs that are directly traceable to the product lines should be included. Common fixed costs are not directly traceable to any product, as they are arbitrarily allocated in proportion to a chosen factor, for example, machine hour or square feet of a certain space occupied. c. Chocolatiers has $15,000.00 to be used in advertising for one of the two product lines and expects that the expenditure will result in additional sales of $50,000.00. How should the company decide which product line to advertise? The effects of this campaign will typically be in both sales and variable costs, and therefore the company should select the product line based on which product will have the highest contribution margin ratio, which is the  percentage of sales, service revenues or selling price that remains after all variable costs and variable expenses have been covered. This method takes into consideration the limited time frame of the advertising campaign, where fixed costs will most likely not be affected.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Environmental Conservation Essay - 1517 Words

Energy Conservation Jessica Goode Axia College of University of Phoenix We all use energy each and every day. We use energy for entertainment, cooking, transportation, lighting, heating, cooling, manufacturing, as well as many other things. According to the Webster Dictionary (2009), energy is defined as just being active. If that is truly the case, then anytime we are doing anything we are being active and using up energy. Shouldnt we try to conserve more energy if that is the case? According to the Business Dictionary (2007), energy conservation is the reduction in the consumption of natural resources by any individual, society, organization, or the economy as a whole. It is the elimination of waste being put back into the Earth†¦show more content†¦A lot of this consumption could be decreased if humans were more aware of the dangers they were creating for the environment and their future generations. There are many sustainability strategies and solutions already in place. The most known about plan in place is the Solar Tax Credit. On October, 4, 2008, Congress passed an 18 billion dollar bill that provides those individuals that take the responsibility and costs upon themselves to utilize the renewable energy sources available (Yang, 2008). Climate change and green buildings legislation are expected to be high on the agenda of the 111th Congress and the new administration (2009 legislative outlook, 2009). There are also several other plans in place such as the Energy Star Heating and Cooling Program. This program is a voluntary program in which manufacturers agree to manufacture and market high efficiency heating, cooling, and control products to help lower energy usage (Green Communities, 2008). Although there have been many sustainable and strategic solutions developed to conserve energy, many have been unsuccessful. The reason that these plans have been so unsuccessful is because they have a limited time frame, the awareness of the public is not there and mainly because of the current economic crisis. My plan to reac h sustainability is simple and should take no longer than two years timeShow MoreRelatedThe Conservation Of The Environmental Movement882 Words   |  4 PagesI decided to take action for the environmental movement because it is a big issue that impacts everyone. At first, my intent was to volunteer for an organization called â€Å"Fresh Roots†, but due to a scheduling conflict, I chose UBC Farm, which is no less essential in its impact in Vancouver’s sustainability. 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